Archive for the ‘Social Media’ Category

Welcome to Super Antivirus Blog

December 17, 2009

I am a Jedi. 化繁成简… 破茧成蝶 Panda Cloud Antivirus 首款基于云的免费防病毒软件

Koobface.DU returns to Twitter

July 10, 2009

A few days ago the Koobface worm started to appear on Twitter.  Today, the Koobface worm returns by hijacking several Twitter user accounts to assist in propagating the worm.  The malicious tweets start with the text “My Home Video :)” followed by a link to one of 20 or so malicious sites. 

Koobface.DU.worm | Twitter Search

Once on the malicious site, the victim becomes assaulted with a fake flash update and the infection starts to communicate with Facebook and Twitter immediately after downloading two additional executables from a domain hosted in Belgium. 

Koobface.DU.worm | Flash Check

Fake codec site:

Koobface.DU.worm Download


Koobface.DU.worm Connections

After attempting to spread the infection on Facebook and Twitter, the W32/Koobface.DU.worm further capitalizes on its efforts by installing the Adware/InternetAntivirusPro Rogue Antivirus. 

Koobface.DU.worm | Rogueware

Twitter has responded to the threat quickly and have already made an effort of removing the malicious tweets. We detected around 100 still active malicious tweets at the time of writing this.

Visual representation of malicious tweets:

Koobface.DU.worm | Visual Twitter Representation

Malware in Social Media

February 26, 2009

A few weeks ago we talked about cyber-criminals using to spread malware. Today we see that the very same group responsible for the incident was using the same tactic on YouTube through the use of YouTube's Annotations feature. Video Annotations is a way to add interactive commentary to videos on YouTube.

The following image displays a video using the annotations feature to guide users over to a malware ridden website:

Although the YouTube description malware is not as prevalent as the comment abuse, it does show that Social Media websites are increasingly being used to spread Malware. We expect to see plenty of new examples similar to this throughout 2009.

Thanks to Dancho Danchev for the information.