Archive for the ‘SaaS’ Category

Welcome to Super Antivirus Blog

December 17, 2009

I am a Jedi. 化繁成简… 破茧成蝶 Panda Cloud Antivirus 首款基于云的免费防病毒软件

Rogue ScanVirus site impersonates SaaS Anti-Virus

February 3, 2009

Today we discovered a new site using an interesting tactic to trick users into infecting themselves with malware. This time the cyber-criminals opted to pretend to be a Software as a Service (SaaS) Anti-Virus solution.

The "Scan Virus" website uses several legitimate Anti-Malware logos and badges in order to gain the victims confidence.  Immediately upon loading the site a fake scan will begin and shortly
after that the site will prompt the user to download a file called
AntiVir.exe, which we detect as Adware/Antivirus2009. The site attempts to scare users by displaying images such as, "Your PC is infected! Sorry, standard programs cannot disinfect your PC now", and "DOWNLOAD PATCH to fix this problem"


Why Companies Should Invest in Cloud Computing

September 25, 2008

Recently I have been getting a number of questions
concerning the cost savings of a security-as-a-service (SaaS) model versus a
traditional on-premise solution. While there are certainly a number of direct
benefits to the end-user (easier to use and upgrades are usually transparent),
I thought for the purpose of this article to elaborate on the most important
one: “reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO) via the outsourcing of
security services”.

So what is exactly meant by reducing the total cost of ownership?
Well according to industry analysts a good portion of small to medium sized
companies out-source their security services to a 3rd party provider. Obviously
this strategy has real benefits especially to companies who lack the technical
ability to manage and maintain an on-premise anti-malware solution.

As a result, we’re seeing a lot of SMBs outsource their
desktop anti-malware requirements to a managed service provider and/or adopt a
Security-as-a-Service model. This helps reduce complexity and time-to-market
when implementing new security technologies and will not require a high degree
of skill to maintain the solution.

Because SaaS traditionally hasn’t resided on-premise it
takes the overhead of managing and maintaining a complex myriad of technologies
and places the responsibility with the provider.

Take for example a small medicare facility with 100
employees; now if we factor in the following variables into the equation we can
clearly see the reduction in TCO as a SaaS model eliminates a number of
headaches associated with a traditional on-premise model:

* Eliminates the need for additional hardware or resources
required for managing and maintaining a SaaS based anti-malware solution.

* Upgrades are usually transparent, thus, the need for dedicating
time and resources to upgrade from one version to another is no longer present.