Archive for the ‘PandaLabs’ Category

Welcome to Super Antivirus Blog

December 17, 2009

I am a Jedi. 化繁成简… 破茧成蝶 Panda Cloud Antivirus 首款基于云的免费防病毒软件

Microsoft Updates for January

January 14, 2009


In the first security bulletin of the year 2009, MS09-001, Microsoft has published several critical updates which resolve 2 privately reported vulnerabilities and a publicly disclosed vulnerability in Microsoft Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.

If exploited successfully, an attacking user could execute remote code on the system, and could view, change or delete data, or create new accounts with full user rights.

This security update has been rated as critical for all the versions of Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003 and as moderate for all the versions of Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.

We remind you that in order to improve the security level of your computer against known and unknown network vulnerabilities, you can stop or block the access to any network service you don’t use by using a properly configured firewall or by disabling the network services that are not used in the system.

Although in PandaSecurity we work daily on how to improve our products in order to protect our clients from these new vulnerabilities, we always recommend to install as soon as possible the security patches published in the Microsoft’s security bulletins, as well as other security updates that may affect other products installed on the same system.

  •  MS09-001 – Vulnerabilities in SMB Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Annual Report PandaLabs 2008

December 31, 2008

We have just published the Annual report PandaLabs 2008. There, you can find statistics and information about the current situation of malware.

In advance, regarding malware in the end of last Quarterly in 2008, Trojans continue being the most relevant category of malware, at 77.49%.


Also you will find an other interesting article in this report like, rogue antimalware, spam levels, vulnerabilities, banking trojan, and others…

You can download it in English or in Spanish .


Enjoy it! And from all the team, we wish you a happy -and malware free 😉 new year!


Back from VB2008

October 7, 2008

We returned from Virus Bulletin 2008 last Saturday. It has been a very exciting week, great presentations and better beer :-). Ottawa is really wonderful
This year has been the first time I've done a presentation in a big conference like VB. I have to say that I was nervous :-), however it has been a great experience that I'll try to repeat.

If you couldn't go you can download the slides:

 Ismael Briones VB2008

VB2008 has allowed us to publish the entire paper. Enjoy it ( Copyright is held by Virus Bulletin Ltd.; made available on this site for personal use free of charge by permission of Virus Bulletin. This work may not be reproduced or redistributed without express permission from the copyright holder.)

Quarterly Report July-September 2008

October 3, 2008

We have just released the Q3 Monthly report PandaLabs.

So, It’s time to see what has happened in the last three months. You can download it in English or in Spanish.

Enjoy it!

VB 2008 – Ottawa

October 2, 2008

We are having a really great time at VB2008 in Ottawa. Some of the talks are extremely interesting, but the best is to catch up with all the guys in the industry so we can share information, ideas, and some beers meantime 😉

Yesterday's presentation on the rise of the MBR rootkits was one of the best of the day. Today it's being even much better, starting with our blogger Ismael Briones, who has just finished his presentation, about classifying malware using graphs, entropy and grid computing :


After lunch there are some last minute presentations that look great, covering different fields, as testing, banking Trojans, rogueware, etc. Tomorrow it will end so I'm going back to the conference room as I don't want to lose a single minute!