Archive for the ‘Internet Antivirus Pro’ Category

Welcome to Super Antivirus Blog

December 17, 2009

I am a Jedi. 化繁成简… 破茧成蝶 Panda Cloud Antivirus 首款基于云的免费防病毒软件

Rash of Rogue Security Malware

January 15, 2009

The amount of Rogue Security samples increases daily and today was no exception.  We discovered a rash of newly created domain names pushing rogue security software harder than ever.  I captured a video so that you may see what the site and infection process looks like.

In the January 2009 ISSA Journal (pdf) we covered the rogue epidemic in 2008 and from our data we predicted that they would be amongst the most prolific malware in 2009. 15 days into the new year and it feels like the prediction is already coming true. 

Note: The sites are live and infectious so do not attempt to visit them!

best2008-scan-av .com
forpc-av-scanner .net
best-scanner-pc .net
best2008-scan-av .com
av-pcscan-comp .com
quickly-scan-no-av .com
best6scan .com
easy6scan .com
bestscan6 .com
easy4scan .com
easyscan6 .com
fastscan6 .com
fast4scan .com
fastscan4 .com 
fastscan6 .com 
livescan4 .com 
livescan5 .com
livescan6  .com
newscan4 .com
newscan5 .com 
new7scan .com 
newscan6 .com 
plus4scan .com 
plus6scan .com 
plusscan4 .com
scan4easy .com 
scan4fast .com 
scan5best .com 
scan5plus .com 
scan6live .com
scan7live .com 
sg10scanner .com
sg11scanner .com 
sg12scanner .com