Archive for the ‘Contest’ Category

Welcome to Super Antivirus Blog

December 17, 2009

I am a Jedi. 化繁成简… 破茧成蝶 Panda Cloud Antivirus 首款基于云的免费防病毒软件

Panda Challenge: Medium Level

July 13, 2009

Welcome to the 2nd Panda Challenge. As promised, this will be harder. In the previous one we had more than 1 thousand downloads and just 44 right answers, let's see how this goes. Joxean has been the creator of this challenge. This are the "instructions" that Joxean wants you to know before starting:

"To create a program which automatically solves the problem posed by the program by communicating with it using the protocol this program understands."

The file can be downloaded here. Enjoy yourselves and don’t forget to send the challenge solution (the created program) to pandachallenge at pandasecurity dot com

I will be publishing updates on Twitter, and next Monday I'll let you know the final results.

The terms and conditions of the competition can be downloaded from here

Bienvenidos al 2º reto Panda. Tal y como prometí, este será más complicado. En el anterior tuvimos más de mil descargas y 44 respuestas correctas, vamos a ver qué tal va este. Joxean ha sido el creador de este reto. Estas son las "instrucciones" que Joxean quiere que sepáis antes de comenzar:

“Hacer un programa que resuelva automáticamente el problema planteado por el programa comunicándose con él por el protocolo que dicho programa entienda” 

El fichero puede ser descargado desde aquí. Disfrutad y no olvidéis enviar la solución al reto (el programa creado) a pandachallenge arroba pandasecurity punto com

Iré actualizando información desde Twitter, y el próximo lunes publicaré los resultados finales.

Los términos y condiciones del reto las podéis descargar aquí.

Crypto Challenge

June 2, 2009

Those of you who already follow me on Twitter know that every once in a while I throw together a quick, geeky puzzle for everyone to solve. After my last challenge, a few people asked me to make the next puzzle a little bit harder to solve. This meant including a few more steps and throwing in some visual elements in, as well.

The Top 10 people to direct message the solution to me on Twitter win a prize.  Contest ends on 6/15/2009

I hope you all have as much fun cracking it as I did putting it together! 🙂
