A hole in spotify

Spotify is an application to listen to music online. The fact that it is brandnew has not saved them from being attacked, that is, they have suffered their first hazing. Last week a group of attackers communicated the company that they had cracked their protocols and that had had access to information which they could use to obtain their clients passwords, email addresses, birthdates, zipcodes… that is, the data we are generally requested when we register in any website.


In spite of the recommendations given by computer security companies, this data is generally used to create the passwords by the users. Passwords usually consist of birthdate plus zipcode, email address plus birthdate, or just the birthdate. And what is worse, a unique password to access the email account, the applications, or even banking entities. This means that if something fails, everything can fail. Caution is the best practice to keep protected against these threats.