Archive for December, 2007

IcePack uncovered

December 18, 2007

In summer we had already talked about IcePack, which can be considered as the most complete "kit for installing malware through exploits” and one of the most used nowadays.

For further details about how it works, you can have a look at the document I have prepared.

Tuesday patch from Microsoft: 7 patches

December 12, 2007

Microsoft has released its patches for this month. As we posted on monday, there are 3 critical patches and 4 rates as important. Some of the software affected are: DirectX, Windows Media Format Runtime, Internet Explorer, DirectShow, Microsoft’s Message Queuing Service,  Vista’s Server Message Block version 2, Macrovision SafeDisc (secdrv.sys)… We recomend you to update your system ASAP.

December 2007 Microsoft Bulletin 

Microsoft Updates (December 2007)

December 10, 2007

We're close to second Tuesday of December, and as always Microsoft releases its vulnerability patches. This month there are 7 patches and the full version of the Microsoft
Security Bulletin Advance Notification for this month can be found
here .

Critical Updates

Important Updates